Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Good Job, Ned!

Ned got me the pajamas. Red plaid, to top it off. They rock. And yesterday he came home with the new Patricia Cornwell book. (Very possibly my favorite author. Yes, Dan the D-bag, my mind is stagnant.) He did a terrific job this Christmas. Maybe I was wrong all along. Maybe Negative Ned is really Considerate Cal. Virtuous Victor. Warm-hearted Wes. I think in the weeks to come we'll see. In the words of one of my mom's friends "something big is right around the corner. I can feel it."
The girls' upgrade.
We got the girls a brand new (awesome) wooden kitchen made for 6-8 year olds. And Melissa and Doug (they really should pay me for advertising) wooden food. Melissa and Doug are geniuses. I called them 'Melissa and Douglas' on accident to Ned yesterday. I think they may be one of the first people I hold a tremendous amount of  respect for. Besides Ned/Cal/Victor/Wes.
Jackie has a habit of calmly stating astute facts. She stated (on Christmas Eve, as Ned was assembling the kitchen) that the girls were 'updating their kitchen like their parents." So true. Jackie, Jackie, Jackie. Wise as a sage yet slow as molasses.
Anyway, Christmas was nice. Quiet (as Ned kept saying in a semo-shocked tone) but nice. Busy, too. Which explains my serious gap between posts.
Kiwi Herman is sleeping over New Years Eve. I'll keep you posted. Maybe we will? Kiwi may have a pint and guest blog.


  1. so its not just heather with the wooden toys!

    i still want to see how the kitchen turned out! what did you change?

  2. oh and guess what mike wanted from me for christmas? for me to do p90x with him starting the first week of january. yep, thats right, waking up at 5:30am every morning to workout for an hour. my own personal hell. not only do i utterly despise working out, but i'am sooooo not a morning person. we'll see if i don't kill him after the first week. heck, who am i kidding? after the first day!

  3. love pats new book. race you to the end. first one done posts a spoiler.

  4. forget to mention we got our first melissa and doug set from his grandmother for christmas. soooo many little pieces!

  5. next time i sleep over promise a pint and a post. and jackie truly is wise as a sage, slow as molasses. sooo funny.

  6. I know what you mean about those Melissa and Doug toys. They're awesome...that's all Malley got!
