Saturday, November 20, 2010

Hockey Widow

Ned and I are going to a Sabres game tonight. The Sabres are a hockey team. I think Ned might be surprised that I know that, considering his reason for trying every possible way to get me to say I don't want to go with him. The (main) reason? Because once, ONCE, when we went to one (of several games), I turned to Ned, during what was apparently an obvious commercial break, and asked why the players were just gliding around. Oh horrors! You would have thought I asked why the arena was so cold. Ned never forgot that night.
 Anyway, the night he got the tickets, we went out to a Beer Blast with his hockey team. Going to a Beer Blast with Ned when he has 2 fresh Sabres tickets burning a hole in his pocket was my first mistake. Ten minutes into it, he turned to me from a crowd of huge, obnoxious, beer guzzling hockey teammates, his smile fading the more I appeared in his field of vision, and said, "Maybe I should take Greg to the Sabres game." As in Greg, and not me, to the hockey game. I swear his pupils were reflecting a gazillion Bud Lights, and Greg yelling obscenities for 3 straight hours. I pale in comparison to Greg.  My second mistake was to be agreeable. This only made Ned feel terribly guilty. To the point where he practically shushed me every time I brought up Greg and the Sabres game, like it was my idea and not his, and a crazy one at that. Since then, he acts like it's my idea that I don't go. And planting seeds of doubt that I will enjoy them but frequently reminding me of that ONE Sabres game. Ned acts like he's driving me on a short bus there. When I tell him I actually like hockey, he looks at me for a second too long  and says "Good,  I want you to go." in a terribly resigned voice.
Ned is on his way home from work right now. To ease the pain of watching sports with me, I bought him some Lagunitas. What would have been more fun is to have Greg himself waiting in the fridge, jump out yelling obscenities, funnel a Lagunita with Ned and the 2 of them tear off down the highway. But, alas, I am only capable of so much. And I wouldn't want Ned to feel guilty.


  1. Your such a good wife Johanna, I think I need a "how to" book on being a good wife- I surly would have weaseled my way into having both tickets so I could go to the game with you, only to drink beer, laugh and talk, paling completely when asked at home who won the game, and hoping my guess is the right one.

  2. whats the deal with Ned? why wouldn't he want YOU to go? you could probably drink him and all his buddies under the table ;)

  3. Oh Nicole I'm not a good wife I'm just a good match for Ned! And if you were home, we just might have gone. Or Damon and Bill would have gone- more likely, and we would have stayed home and got schnockered. :) And NikiD- Ned wouldn't have to drive Greg home. I think that is the difference. We have a healthy (to us) separation of home and away, and tonight was a slight interference.

  4. he looks at me for a second too long and says "Good, I want you to go." in a terribly resigned voice.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! You are excellent:)
