Thursday, November 11, 2010

On my way to being....Shredded

I am doing the 30 Day Shred. Let me preface this by saying that I have a 3 kids, I like food, and I love beer. (And wine. And, well, any drinks). So when my friend (with 7 kids, BTW, and a figure not unlike mine) said she was doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred, it FINALLY struck a chord with me.  30 days. 27 minutes- including warm up and cool down. 3 levels, you increase at your own discretion. (Discretion was the key word, here). I can DO THIS. And I am.  I am on day 15, and in the words of Tony (from P90X, which I hated, and I blame for me not working out till good ol' understanding Jillian came into my life)-- "I hate it....but I love it." I love it because the end is in sight and I feel productive. I hate it because I hate working out, and I just want radical change, dang it. But any change is good, in this situation anyway, and there is definitely change. So, if you're wondering, I do recommend Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred.
On a side note---here is my daily dose of Life with Ned. While doing said work-out this morning, Ned sauntered in, and leaned against the wall, coolly observing me. (Background- Ned and I do not discuss working out. That is a rule. Ned thinks I am made of steel and will not accept less. So Ned and I do not discuss working out. It's just easier that way.) I could not have been in a more compromising, humiliating position. Generally, I wear semi-cute workout clothes, even though I'm in my living room. It's just better for the spirit. Today, since I am still not showered, I decided to work out in my pajamas before my shower. Albeit Victoria's Secret pajamas, to the naked eye they are baggy, faded black pajamas. And when Ned walked in I was in PLANK position, jumping my knees to my chest for 30 seconds, then doing high knees for 30 seconds, back to that dreaded plank, and then more high knees. The Positive Pig in me thought that perhaps Ned would be impressed with my scarlet face, labored breathing and ill-fitting pajamas. Not so. Positive Pig died a slow death when Ned casually said "The girls in the video aren't even sweating."  Jillian Michaels' cohorts killed by a overweight girl in a pig costume? Not entirely implausible.


  1. sO weird, i started a blog today about working out, only difference is I aint finished.
