Friday, November 26, 2010

Mara and Sariah

Ned's family left today. They got here Monday, and were bizarrely productive. We quite literally have a new kitchen. An unexpected new kitchen. And a gloriously inexpensive new kitchen. Labor's overrated. Haha. Anyway, now I have a new dilemma. How to thank them. It'll come. (I think. I hope.)
Anyway, with the family gone, and 3 late nights getting the best of me, I was too tired to explain to my daughters and their BFF's (like, over all day, every day, and then some, BFF's) why they couldn't sleep over. They used to ask me every weekend until I told them that if they don't ask me anymore, they can plan a sleepover for every 4 day weekend. (This was most likely said when I was drinking fresh coffee. On their behalf, they are exceptionally cute girls, and exceptionally well-behaved. I am just exceptionally tired.) My impression was that 4 day weekends are relatively few and far between. I must have misremembered October. And November. Oh, and December. AND JANUARY. FML.
Minus the redhead, this is a pretty accurate picture
 of tonight.
So, here I am hosting a sleepover. Second one in a month. And there is an unnatural amount of open wine left over from last night. And it snowed for the first time today, which gives me the thumbs up for celebrating.  And it's already dinner time. And Mara and Sariah both look exhausted. Sariah has been asking to take a nap since, oh, around 1. Was it cruel to say no? I think not. (And no, those are not their real names. Blog-privacy.) 
More tomorrow. I'm out.


  1. DUDE!?! where are the PICTURES of the kitchen?!? i wanna see, i wanna see!!!

  2. Nope. You have to see it in person!

  3. the doll that's missing is you putting duct tape over their mouth. oh wiat, no, it's mimi with a crucifix. and relics.
