Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Ned has today off. I envisioned sipping pumpkin lattes, him reading excerpts from the paper while I bustle around our warm kitchen, occasionally sweeping the baby up for a kiss, the sunlight speckling our unmarred high-gloss floors, and Ned glancing up every few minutes, radiating appreciation at his adored wife.
Imagine my surprise when Ned sailed through, paused briefly in the doorway, barked "Gettin' the car undercoated today", grabbed his hat and headed out the door.
Funny thing is, I wouldn't have it any other way. I can still have high-gloss floors. I can sweep the baby up. I am having a pumpkin latte as we speak. If Ned ever gazed at me (or even looked at me, for God's sake) I would be highly uncomfortable. Like, cross-and-uncross-your-legs-and-loosen-your-scarf-uncomfortable. So, rather than tell Ned to slow down and enjoy life, my philosophy with Ned is to step up and enjoy Ned. So today, I am off to get a car undercoated, get an oil change, grab lunch, and most likely stop at Home Depot. I HATE Home Depot. I actually sit in the car when Ned brings me to Home Depot. I feel like I am in a tomb, a tomb holding lumber, lightbulbs, and suspiciously lacking employees. But- Ned needs stuff at Home Depot.Which means I need stuff at Home Depot. So here's to a day off with my beloved Ned.


  1. Home depot is as full as promise as any public library. I can't believe you don't see it, Selma!

  2. I'm looking forward to every single post of yours. Brilliant!

  3. I can totally imagine Ned'ss face on the way to Home Depot, staring darkly out the window lmao!
    You have to do a post on the parallels between your life and Roseanne Barre's. Pleeeeeaaaase?

  4. I didn't know there was a parallel between my life and Roseanne Barr's.....?
